Беломорская биологическая станция МГУ имени М.В.Ломоносова
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White Sea Biological Station

is an educational and research centre, created for conducting marine scientific research and field student practices at the White Sea. WSBS is a subdivision of Faculty of Biology of Lomonosov Moscow State University. WSBS MSU is the base for the Research & Education Centre «Marine Biology, Oceanography and Geology».

The White Sea Biological Station is located on the coast of Kandalaksha Bay of the White Sea ( 66o 34′ N, 33o 08′ E), near the Polar Circle. The campus area is 15 hectares.

WSBS is an isolated settlement. There is no road. Communication to the nearest village and railway station Poyakonda (15 km) is possible only by boat during summer navigation, and by snowmobiles in winter.

Poyakonda is connected to major cities by train: 21 hours from St. Petersburg (about 1000 km), 36 hours from Moscow, and 8 hours from Murmansk (350 km).

WSBS location makes it an ideal place to study northern marine environment for scientists and students from around the globe. The station is situated on the Cape Kindo peninsula on the shore of Velikaja Salma Bay, a 500 m strait that separates the station from Veliky (“Great”) Island, the largest island of the Kandalaksha State Nature Reserve.

 The territory of the Cape Kindo peninsula (about 600 hectare) is part of the local nature reserve «Polarny Krug» (“Arctic Circle”). It is a piece of untouched northern taiga, mosaic of coniferous and deciduous forests, wetlands and small lakes. Along the shore there are some grass meadows.

Velikaja Salma Bay is characterized by abundant northern marine fauna and flora. Strong tidal currents in the strait prevent formation of the ice (“polynya”) and make it possible to conduct continuous research throughout the year.

About Us

Research centre

WSBS MSU is an educational and research centre, created for conducting marine scientific research and summer field courses in marine biology, invertebrate zoology and botany at the White Sea.


WSBS MSU is a subdivision of Faculty of Biology of Lomonosov Moscow State University.

Marine Biology, Oceanography and Geology

Starting from December 2009, WSBS MSU is the base for the Research & Education Centre "Marine Biology, Oceanography and Geology".

The station was founded by a group of biologists from MSU in 1938.

Since 1995 the biological station it named after Nikolai Pertsov (1924-1987), who devoted his whole life to building the station. He was Director of the station from 1951 till his death.

Unique location and biodiversity make WSBS a year-round magnet for independent and collaborative research. Well-equipped laboratories, a modern research vessel, comfortable housing and supportive staff combine to maximize productivity of field visits. WSBS welcomes researchers and student groups from abroad.

Zoological material, collected by expeditions all over the White Sea in 1972-1989, provides an important resource and reference.


Administrative Location of the Field Base

Poselok Primorskiy, Republic Karelia, RUSSIA

Mailing address: a/ya 20, Glavpochtamt, Kandalakshsky raion, Murmanskaya oblast, 184042, RUSSIA

Moscow Office

WSBS MSU. Department of Biology, Lomonosov Moscow State University.

Leninskiye Gory 1,  build. 12, Moscow 119991, RUSSIA

+7 (495) 939-44-95

WSBS Director

Prof. Alexander Tzetlin

Morphology, evolution, taxonomy, and biology of polychaetes; comparative morphology of trochophores; traditional coastal management of the White Sea and other northern seas of Russia; development of sustainable coastal management.