Организаторы: ББС МГУ, Музей Университета Бергена (Норвегия)
13-16 сентября 2021 г.
Keynote speakers:
Torsten Struck, Natural History Museum, University of Oslo
Vadim Mokievsky, Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Russian Academy of Sciences
Alexei Tchesunov, Department of Invertebrate Zoology, Moscow State University
Andreas Schmidt-Rhaesa, Center of Natural History, University of Hamburg
Rony Huys, Natural History Museum, London
Martin Vinther Sørensen, Natural History Museum of Denmark, University of Copenhagen
Jon Norenburg, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution
Katrine Worsaae, Marine Biological section, University of Copenhagen
Lesya Garlitska, Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Russian Academy of Sciences
Alexandra Savchenko, Department of Invertebrate Zoology, Moscow State University
Anna Zhadan, White Sea Biological Station, Moscow State University
Daria Portnova, Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Russian Academy of Sciences
Alejandro Martinez Garcia, Water Research Institute, National Research Council of Italy
Katharina Jörger, SNSB-Bavarian State Collection for Zoology
Alexander Kieneke, German Center for Marine Biodiversity Research
Niels Van Steenkiste, University of British Columbia — Vancouver
Łukasz Michalczyk, Jagiellonian University, Institute of Zoology and Biomedical Research
Lenke Tödter, University of Hamburg
Alexander Tzetlin, White Sea Biological Station, Moscow State University
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13 September
Chair: Nataliya Budaeva
08:50 Nataliya Budaeva. Welcome and short overview of the course
09:00 Lecture: Andreas Schmidt-Rhaesa. History of meiofaunal research
09:40 Minibreak (10 min)
09:50 Lecture: Anna Zhadan & Alexander Tzetlin. Methods of collection and extraction of meiofauna
10:45 Minibreak (10 min)
10:55 Lecture: Torsten Struck. Cryptic species and their evolutionary and ecological importance.
Chair: Alexander Tzetlin
12:30 Student: Sunil Kumar Padhi. An insight into the low density meiofauna community structure in the nodule covered area of the Central Indian Ocean Basin
12:45 Student: Soraia Vieira. Combining metagenomics with morphology-based approaches to understand microbiome –meiobenthos interactions
13:00 Student: Olena Uzun. Meiobenthos on hard substrates in the nearshore of the Odessa marine region (Black Sea)
13:15 Minibreak (10 min)
13:25 Lecture: Andreas Schmidt-Rhaesa. Meiofauna paradox on distribution and dispersal
14:05 Minibreak (10 min)
14:15 Lecture: Lenke Tödter. Meiofaunal cnidaria
14:55 Break (20 min)
15:15 Social event: Meiofaunal quiz in teams. The winning team gets special prizes from the White Sea Biological Station.
(Moderators: A. Savchenko and G. Kolbasova)
11:50 Lunch (40 min)
14 September
ECDYSOZOA (Harpacticoida, Nematoda & Tardigrada)
Chair: Alexandra Savchenko
09:00 Lecture: Rony Huys. Introduction to harpacticoid diversity, morphology and systematics
09:55 Minibreak (10 min)
10:05 Lecture: Lesya Garlitska. Ecology and biogeography of marine Harpacticoida: a brief review
11:00 Minibreak (10 min)
11:10 Student: Karim Md Abdul. Characterization of meiofauna assemblage with combined morphology and DNA barcoding approach with special reference to free living marine nematodes in the Jiaozhou Bay, China
11:25 Student: Neelima Vasu. Some information on the epibenthic Harpacticoid copepods from lagoon waters of Agatti and Kavaratti of Southeastern Arabian Sea
11:40 Lunch (40 min)
Chair: Lesya Garlitska
12:20 Lecture: Alexandra Savchenko. Tantulocarida
13:00 Minibreak (10 min)
13:10 Lecture: Łukasz Michalczyk. Tardigrada
13:50 Minibreak (10 min)
14:00 Lecture: Alexei Tchesunov. Free-living nematodes as a major part of marine meiofauna
14:55 Minibreak (10 min)
15:05 Student: Cessa Rauch. Hyperbenthic copepods (HYPCOP) in Norwegian waters
15:20 Student: Aleksandr Novikov. New data on the diversity of Harpacticoida and Cyclopoida on sponges in the Kara Sea, the Laptev Sea and the Barents Sea
15:35 Student: Jannik Schnier. Diversity of Arctic deep-sea nematodes from the LTER observatory HAUSGARTEN
15:50 Minibreak (10 min)
16:00 Lecture: Vadim Mokievsky. Ecology and biogeography of nematodes
15 September
Chair: Anna Zhadan
09:00 Lecture: Torsten Struck Lophotrochozoan phylogeny
09:55 Minibreak (10 min)
10:05 Lecture: Katrine Worsaae. Evolution of interstitial
11:00 Minibreak (10 min)
11:10 Student: Kimi Kim. Research on Rhabdocoela in Korea — the record of the past two years
11:25 Student: Jima M. Assortment of Meiobenthic Foraminiferal species in the fjords of Svalbard
11:40 Lunch (40 min)
Chair: Glafira Kolbasova
12:20 Lecture: Katharina Jörger. Meiofaunal molluscs
13:15 Minibreak (10 min)
13:25 Lecture: Alexander Kieneke. Gastrotricha
14:30 Minibreak (10 min)
14:40 Lecture: Martin Sørensen. Gnathostomulida
15:20 Minibreak (10 min)
15:30 Student: Ivan Voltski. Novel elphidiid foraminifer from the high Arctic: the enigmatic phylotype S15
15:45 Student: Ole Bjørn Brodnicke. Impact of small winnowing fish on the meiobenthos community of coral reef sediment
16:00 Minibreak (10 min)
16:10 Lecture: Jon Norenburg. Meiofaunal Nemertea
16 September
Chair: Vadim Mokievsky
09:00 Lecture: Alejandro Martinez. Meiofauna in flood caves and other weird places as potential eco-evolutionary models
09:55 Minibreak (10 min)
10:05 Lecture: Daria Portnova. Meiofaunal communities from marine ice biotopes (with the focus on nematodes)
11:00 Minibreak (10 min)
11:10 Student: Anna Timchenko. Sympagic fauna and nematodes community in seasonal sea ice in the Velikaya Salma Strait (White Sea), in the northern Barents Sea and western Kara Sea
11:25 Student: Finn Corus. Antarctic meiofauna communities reflect sea-ice cover situations even on small scales
11:40 Student: Vanessa Pitusi. The biodiversity of sympagic meiofauna in Svalbard
11:55 Lunch (1h 5 min)
ECDYSOZOA (Scalidophora)
Chair: Andreas Schmidt-Rhaesa
13:00 Lecture: Andreas Schmidt-Rhaesa. Introduction to Scalidophora. Priapulida
13:40 Minibreak (10 min)
13:50 Lecture: Martin Sørensen. Kinorhyncha & Loricifera.
14:45 Minibreak (10 min)
14:55 Student: Abril Anguas-Escalante. New records and new species of Kinorhyncha in two marine regions of Mexico
15:10 Student: Petra Kovacikova. Use it or lose it: elusive neoblast-like cell population in nemertodermatid species Meara stichopi
15:25 Break (20 min) — discussion of student awards
15:45 Lecture: Niels Van Steenkiste. Platyhelminthes
16:40 Final remarks and student awards