N.A.Pertsov White Sea Biological Station of Lomonosov Moscow StateUniversity (WSBS MSU) invites master students, PhD students and young post-docsto take part in the forthcoming Second summer school on comparative physiology(31 August – 15 September, 2015).
Preliminary program
The program consists of 14 morning lectures and the practical course. The latter includes the following experimental tasks:
1. Whole-cell patch clamp registration of ionic currents in isolated cardiac myocytes from cod and navaga (4 days). Instructors – Dr. Matti Vornanen and Dr. Jaakko Haverinen, University of Eastern Finland.
2. Confocal calcium imaging of isolated cardiac myocytes stained with fluo-4-AM fluorescent dye (4 days). Instructor — Dr. Holly Shiels, University of Manchester.
3. Intracellular registration of action potentials in isolated atrial preparations from cod and mouse using sharp glass microelectrodes (2 days). Instructor – Dr. Denis Abramochkin, Lomonosov Moscow State University.
4. Long-term ECG registration in conscious unrestrained cod (2 days). Instructor – Dr. Vladislav Kuzmin, Lomonosov Moscow State University.
5. Measurement of mitochondrial respiration rate in permeabilised cardiac fibers and isolated mitochondria from cod (2 day). Instructor – Dr. Gina Galli, University of Manchester.
Students will work in small groups of 3-4 persons, each group will pass through all of 5 experimental tasks.
For more information see: https://en.wsbs-msu.ru/doc/index.php?ID=162