Беломорская биологическая станция МГУ имени М.В.Ломоносова
05 февраля, 2015

Summer School

The Second White Sea Comparative Physiology Summer School, September, 2015

N.A.Pertsov White Sea Biological Station of Lomonosov Moscow StateUniversity (WSBS MSU) invites master students, PhD students and young post-docsto take part in the forthcoming Second summer school on comparative physiology(31 August – 15 September, 2015).

Preliminary program

The program consists of 14 morning lectures and the practical course. The latter includes the following experimental tasks:
1. Whole-cell patch clamp registration of ionic currents in isolated cardiac myocytes from cod and navaga (4 days). Instructors – Dr. Matti Vornanen and Dr. Jaakko Haverinen, University of Eastern Finland.
2. Confocal calcium imaging of isolated cardiac myocytes stained with fluo-4-AM fluorescent dye (4 days). Instructor — Dr. Holly Shiels, University of Manchester.
3. Intracellular registration of action potentials in isolated atrial preparations from cod and mouse using sharp glass microelectrodes (2 days). Instructor – Dr. Denis Abramochkin, Lomonosov Moscow State University.
4. Long-term ECG registration in conscious unrestrained cod (2 days). Instructor – Dr. Vladislav Kuzmin, Lomonosov Moscow State University.
5. Measurement of mitochondrial respiration rate in permeabilised cardiac fibers and isolated mitochondria from cod (2 day). Instructor – Dr. Gina Galli, University of Manchester.
Students will work in small groups of 3-4 persons, each group will pass through all of 5 experimental tasks.

For more information see:

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