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  5. Happy New Year 2013!
13 января, 2013

Happy New Year 2013!

Program of the WSBS New Year party

Dear friends!

Please remember that on January 14, 2013 the MSU White Sea Biological Station invites you to the WSBS New Year party in the Rotunda of the MSU Museum of Earth Sciences.

The scientific part of the WSBS seminar starts at 17:00:

Alexander Tsetlin about the program of the jubilee year at WSBS  (10 min).

Alexander Tsetlin  about the «Babje More» project’s tasks and opportunities (10 min).

Next, we ask each group of researchers interested in this project to make a 5 minute presentation about their task, expected results, methods, necessary technical support, and anticipated deadlines.

The celebration begins after the scientific seminar.

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